Tokidoki’s tenth series of Unicornos welcomes ten new Unicornos to the magical kingdom with Unicorno Series X! These Unicornos are more fantastic than ever and ready to fly into your collection! Invite magic and fun into your life with tokidoki’s latest blind box collectibles, Unicorno Series X!

- List price is for ONE character only
- Each blind box contains one character sealed in a silver foil bag
- Each figure stands at approximately 2.75 inches high (70mm)
- Characters include: Lovey, Bamboolina, Lukky (chaser!), Flaminga, Gummi, Electro Manga, Eternitee, Red Cherrie, Cherry Dragon (chaser!), and Harmony
- Features may include flocking, glitter injection, transparent details and more!
- Paper insert listing all of the characters in this collection is included.

You will receive one (1) blind box containing one (1) figure.

Put 9 in your cart to receive a full case.

Tokidoki Unicorno Series X Blind Box (Blind Box)

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